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New to our Free CCTV Tools section, is JVSG CCTV design software. This software is amazing! If you are looking to blue-print your CCTV system setup before you start calling sales reps and consultants, try this. It has the ability to help you calculate the plans of your home, business, or commercial property and determine how many security cameras you need and where you need to place them. You can calculate focal length and feild-of-vision, you can upload your own floor plans to gain a better perspective in a closed environment. This is a great way to test what you are going to do! This software will help you calculate an IP camera setup too! It has a built in bandwidth calculator, which will help you figure out what you are looking at on Internet cost to run a full IP camera system too! Also there is a built hard drive calculator, so you can properly configure how many days of record time you will need and a lens calculator with full variables like height, distance, chip-set size and many more. If you are really considering a professional setup and you need the aid of a computer, try this software. We offer a free demo version for 30 days, however, if you want the full version you can purchase a license from us at just $299. If you are a professional installer this will come in handy, when you are trying to setup a job. If you have any questions about where to download the software on our website, email us for a link.