When you are developing a solution in CCTV, often you will run into problems or variables that don't help you achieve your main goal. Our focus at Security Camera Warehouse is to help you develop a plan that allows you to focus on exactly what you need. Just five years ago, we have had people express interest in being able to keep an eye on things away from home. Of course there has always been remote login options back in 2002, probably even longer than that. We have seen the birth of Apple's iPhone and that piece of technology has change the cell phone industry forever. Every major cellphone carrier now is working with OEM manufactures to develop competitive phones to beat Apple's iPhone or try to take back some market share from Apple, so that they can meet consumer demands.
The demand for information is getting bigger every year. In the last three years the iPhone still is the best graphical user inter-phase to develop software on. This has been the problem with personal computers from the very beginning. Why use a machine that cannot meet or tend to ones needs? Well Apple got their foot in the door early. Now there is an app for everything. Which brings us to our topic today. There has never been a better time to buy a digital video recorder. There are so many diverse applications now that residential homes, and businesses of all kinds, can really benefit from remote connections to help stay informed about certain situations. It is really hard to express what each person would want, but typical applications for most home owners would be:: checking on the kids while they are out shopping, on a date, at work, checking on the repairman, and ect. These are some of things that can help a home owner stay informed. If you are in business it could be things like:: watching employees work safely, looking for possible theft, watching small sales staff when you are out to lunch, there could be a million reasons, heck that is just life. But there has been no real reason to have a security dvr to aid people, until software was developed on a device that aids just about anyone. In fact, Apple's phone is just easier to use than any other gui phone out there. Below is a few shots of the app you can install on your iPhone and connect remotely to your dvr.
iphonedvrsetup The app software can be found on the search for apps part on your phone. Open that program and search for this software called, "Super Cam ", after installing it on your phone, you can just navigate to the setup and put in your dedicated ip address or static ip address, assigned to your dvr. If you have been on the phone with our technical support team, they should have instructed you on how to setup up your remote software user login and password. So when setting up your information on your iPhone you will want to use that information. We have a dvr remote setup for cellphones manual for how to setup your iPhone for successful connection to your dvr. It is really simple!
iphonedvrsetup2 After setting all the information up, you should restart the phone and re-run the Super Cam app. If you have done that successfully when the application loads, it show your surveillance cameras. After playing around with the software you should become very comfortable with the software and at your finger tips is your home, your office, whatever you want to manage. This is very powerful stuff. Most people that call us are desperate for a solution to give them more information about a particular problem that exist or might think will develop into a potential problem. We stand behind remote connections through cellphones, so if you do not own a dvr system, now is the time.