Fire Detection
What it does. Where it can be used: camera mount height, distance, and angle of view. Chained Classifications. Legal.
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In Internal Testing
What it does:
Looks for the horizontal shape of a fire or smoke in video feeds.
Allows you to create alerts, filter event feeds and 24/7 views based on the presence of a fire or smoke.
Best Practices:
Training Data Limitations
Candles, fireplaces, or bonfires are fires and will be detected as such. It is not trained to and cannot tell the difference between a managed and an out-of-control fire. It is recommended that you use exclusion zone(s), if candles, fireplaces, or other intentional fires are in view.
Camera Placement
These models were trained on horizontal fires. It is not intended to recognize fire from a top-down point of view. It is trained on indoor and outdoor fires, including car fires.
Legal Limitations
Enabling Fire Detection requires its own EULA that limits our liability. Fire detection is obviously not a replacement for a fire detector or fire suppression system and will not meet the regulatory requirements for these devices.
This model was made by Survail and will continue to learn.